LOVR is live!
Helloooo LOVR, introducing the new eco-chic organic beauty marketplace. LOVR is launching this Monday, August 29th! We're so excited to be a part of something so amazing in the organic beauty retail industry.
Has natural always looked this good? Their website is fresh and floral, and will get you in the mood to change your beauty routine. Explore their curated selection of green beauty brands and experience the difference yourself!
We're passionate about offering a natural solution to skin care. We were disappointed with the products on the market when we realized the side effects of the beauty products we were using. We love what we do, and have a blast making fun fresh scrubs that will heal and rejuvenate your skin. We've joined over 100 organic beauty innovators doing some pretty rad stuff in the green industry!
Check out LOVR's curated organic beauty brands here! Plus they have free shipping over $100, oh my! Get shopping. 💛
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